Slave Contract Amned - 11/08/2020
IT IS AGREED, on this the _____ day, of the month of _______________, in the year 20___, by and between a woman known as _______________________________, henceforth referred to as the WHORE, and the man, known as _______________________________, henceforth referred to as the OWNER, that the WHORE knowingly and willingly agrees to engage in sexual acts with the OWNER, and any other man or woman the OWNER so chooses, for his own sexual pleasure and amusement.
For this, the WHORE, with full awareness of their actions, manifests her desire for total and absolute devotion to the OWNER, and him in exchange takes possession with this contract of the WHORE in a complete physical and psicological submission, giving to him all rights about her person, properties and future.
The spirit of this contract is leave WHORE in situation of being under a total domination. The desire to please the OWNER must take precedence over all things, is an end in itself. From the moment of signing the contract the purpose of life is to achieve the happiness of OWNER and therefore any part of her body becomes property including even her own suffering.
As we mentioned before the only goal during the term of this contract is the pursuit of OWNER´s happiness, the fulfillment of any desire, fantasy or need. There will be no limit to the attainment of the purposes referred to throughout this contract and will manifest in meeting each and every one of the wishes of the OWNER. Anything that bring pleasure to the OWNER is permitted, and must comply WHORE at the cost of his own suffering. Her life revolve around the OWNER, and she will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. WHORE´s happiness and award will be to see the pleasure of her OWNER and success in all ways of his life. The honor of being a mere object whose existence is reduced to help him should be enough for her.
Furthermore, by signing this contract, the WHORE acknowledges that her personal belief system is such that she believes OWNER is biologically superior to the women, and that she, as a woman, is biologically designed to be used by the OWNER for their own sexual pleasure and amusement. As a result, the WHORE acknowledges that she desires to engage in such relationships.
Therefore, the OWNER agrees to use the WHORE for his or her own sexual pleasure and additionally to allow other men and/or women to use the WHORE in the same manner, in order achieve the desired conditions the WHORE has specified. In consideration of the OWNER’s commitment, the WHORE agrees to abide by all the tenets and conditions outlined within this contract.
TERM. The WHORE acknowledges that the duration of this contract shall be from the date of signing until such time as the current OWNER chooses to terminate it. Termination of the contract may be done by the OWNER at any time and for any reason. A written notice of termination by the OWNER immediately nullifies the obligations of the WHORE and any and all associated penalties.
OBLIGATIONS. The WHORE acknowledges that she is obligated to adhere to and comply with the following tenets regarding her appearance, behavior, and demeanor whenever she is in the presence of the OWNER, or any other man or woman that the OWNER has allowed to sexually use the WHORE.
I The WHORE will be submissive, meek, and passive towards the OWNER, and any and all other men and/or women that OWNER decides, at all times and in all circumstances. The WHORE give herself to the OWNER. With this act offers her body, from that moment is for the OWNER, for his pleasure and enjoyment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. He will dispose if her for his personal use or for giving her to the person that OWNER considers. The WHORE will not maintain any relationship with another person unless the OWNER so orders, nor use her body for her own personal pleasure if not under his supervision. Also he can agree with another person a price for use as a whore and / or enjoy any benefit from the total submission of the WHORE. She will always obey the orders and desires of the OWNER, when, how and where he will want, right in the moment he orders it.
II The WHORE will respectfully and humbly address any and all men as “Sir” and any and all women as “Ma’am”, or any other title that the OWNER deems necessary or appropriate, at all times and in all circumstances.
III WHORE always will wear the sign of submission will be chosen and given by the OWNER and he also will receive a sign of dominion given by the WHORE that have the highest material value as possible to demonstrate the complete material submission.
IV As submissive WHORE will enthusiastically accept OWNER is free to maintain relationships with other submissive or other women whenever he wants. His pleasure will be the target of the WHORE and therefore must and will want to accept that not be the one female for OWNER relations, no matter casual or permanent. He can fuck every woman he wants. Also assume if the OWNER order her to seek a submissive or another woman for him, WHORE will accept his orders to always please him. SHE also will agree enthusiastically and without fear that OWNER can push her to maintain relationships with other women/men he wants. As her target for her is to give maximum pleasure. In addition WHORE assume as part of her obligations to provide to OWNER other slaves or prostitutes for occasional use or permanent, and even being considered the last of his servants.
V The WHORE will answer and respond, without hesitation or trepidation, to the names “whore”, “slut”, “bitch”, “cunt”, or any other name or combination thereof, that the OWNER deems necessary or appropriate.
VI The WHORE, as submissive, accept to be ready for realizing all desires and fantasies of the OWNER. Her body belongs to him, how to care it, to wear it, it is his decision. His pussy will be prepared or shaved as the OWNER wants as well as her tits in the same way as he will order. The lingerie will be at his choice, wearing it just when OWNER wants and she will remove it when he order it, no matter place or moment. This clause will record everything that relates to personal care, image of the WHORE will be accorded to the OWNER will, in all times and circumstances. Only remain naked if the OWNER ordered it and only underwear at work if he orders it. She will be absolutely ready to his orders trying not disappoint him at any time and accepting the punishment for noncompliance.
VII Social invisibility obligation or OWNER´s respectable life. The WHORE, knowing that the relationship created with this contract cannot be accepted by society and the OWNER has right to maintain clean integrity in life. WHORE promises to remain “invisible” at all levels if OWNER order so. This includes the innermost circles of the OWNER or any other people can´t access any information from the WHORE or about their relationship of submission.
VIII Statement of Absolute Control (SAC). The OWNER as master and keeper of the WHORE will have right to know and monitor at any time the activities she is doing in his public and private life. To do this OWNER will know and control WHORE´s email accounts, security keys (internet, credit cards, etc.) and cell phone.
IX The WHORE will actively and enthusiastically engage in sexual intercourse (vaginal/anal/oral) without the use of a condom, and receive internal/external ejaculation, without hesitation or trepidation, when ordered to do so.
X The WHORE will engage in performing cunnilingus/analingus on other females, without hesitation or trepidation, when ordered to do so by the OWNER regardless of her self-perceived sexual orientation.
XI The WHORE will swallow, without hesitation or trepidation, all seminal fluid that is deposited in to her mouth from any and all men, when ordered to do so.
XII The WHORE will consume, without hesitation or trepidation, all seminal fluid that is deposited on or in any inanimate objects, or on or in the vagina, anus, or mouth of another female, whenever she is ordered to do so by the OWNER.
XIII The WHORE will receive any inanimate object commonly referred to as a “sex toy”, without hesitation or trepidation, in her vagina, anus, or mouth, at any time and under any circumstances, when ordered to do so by the OWNER.
XIV The WHORE will never, under any circumstances or for any reason, wear panties or pantyhose, unless specifically ordered to do so by the OWNER.
XV The WHORE will never, under any circumstances or for any reason, wear any clothing while inside, with the exception of lingerie such as garters and stockings, thigh highs, corsets, or any similar attire, unless specifically ordered to do so by the OWNER.
XVI The WHORE will never, under any circumstances or for any reason, wear anything in public from the waist down except for a dress or skirt, unless specifically ordered to do so by the OWNER.
XVII The WHORE will never, under any circumstances or for any reason, wear a dress or skirt in public with a hem line lower than mid-thigh, unless specifically ordered to do so by the OWNER.
XVIII The WHORE will always have her makeup and hair styled in a fashion that will result in her appearance being that of a person who would be considered by the general public to be cheap, trashy, or sleazy, unless specifically ordered not to do so by the OWNER.
XIX The WHORE will always have the area of her vagina made up of the labia and clitoris, completely shaven and hairless, and the area of her vagina known as the pubis mons, or pubic mound, styled, trimmed, or shaved in a fashion that is the OWNER´s discretion, at all times and in all circumstances, unless specifically ordered not to do so by the Owner.
XX The WHORE will wear a dog collar and be led around on all fours by a leash by the OWNER, without hesitation or trepidation, at any time and under any circumstances, when ordered to do so.
XXI The WHORE will regard herself and her body as a physical object, with no rights, independence, opinions, or convictions, and will consider herself to be piece of material property that is a possession of the OWNER, at all times and in all circumstances.
XXII The WHORE will graciously and sincerely thank the OWNER for granting her the honor and privilege of having her body used for his own personal sexual gratification.
XXIII The WHORE will, to the best of her ability, do any and all other tasks or actions not listed within this document, if she is ordered to do so by the OWNER for the purposes of their own sexual pleasure and amusement, at all times and in all circumstances.
DOCUMENTATION. The WHORE acknowledges that the OWNER has the exclusive right to photograph, videotape, record, and/or document the WHORE in any manner he chooses, and in any situation.
DISSOLUTION. The WHORE acknowledges that failure to abide by and/or meet any and all of the tenets, conditions, or provisions of this contract shall result in a voluntary forfeiture of this contract on her behalf, and as such, is therefore subject to the aforementioned penalty.
I, _______________________________, being of sound mind and of legal age to enter into a legally binding contract, do hereby proclaim that I have read and understand this contract in its entirety, and that I agree to abide by and comply with all the tenets, conditions, and provisions contained within. I further acknowledge that I believe, with no uncertainty or doubt, that the owner is biologically superior to the women, and that I am biologically conditioned to be used by him for their own sexual enjoyment and entertainment. I therefore agree to this contract in its entirety and agree to take full responsibility and be held financially accountable for any and all penalties outlined within should I violate this contract in any manner, having agreed to this without any reservation, and having signed under my own free will and without any duress.
Signature of the Whore
Signature of the Owner
For this, the WHORE, with full awareness of their actions, manifests her desire for total and absolute devotion to the OWNER, and him in exchange takes possession with this contract of the WHORE in a complete physical and psicological submission, giving to him all rights about her person, properties and future.
The spirit of this contract is leave WHORE in situation of being under a total domination. The desire to please the OWNER must take precedence over all things, is an end in itself. From the moment of signing the contract the purpose of life is to achieve the happiness of OWNER and therefore any part of her body becomes property including even her own suffering.
As we mentioned before the only goal during the term of this contract is the pursuit of OWNER´s happiness, the fulfillment of any desire, fantasy or need. There will be no limit to the attainment of the purposes referred to throughout this contract and will manifest in meeting each and every one of the wishes of the OWNER. Anything that bring pleasure to the OWNER is permitted, and must comply WHORE at the cost of his own suffering. Her life revolve around the OWNER, and she will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. WHORE´s happiness and award will be to see the pleasure of her OWNER and success in all ways of his life. The honor of being a mere object whose existence is reduced to help him should be enough for her.
Furthermore, by signing this contract, the WHORE acknowledges that her personal belief system is such that she believes OWNER is biologically superior to the women, and that she, as a woman, is biologically designed to be used by the OWNER for their own sexual pleasure and amusement. As a result, the WHORE acknowledges that she desires to engage in such relationships.
Therefore, the OWNER agrees to use the WHORE for his or her own sexual pleasure and additionally to allow other men and/or women to use the WHORE in the same manner, in order achieve the desired conditions the WHORE has specified. In consideration of the OWNER’s commitment, the WHORE agrees to abide by all the tenets and conditions outlined within this contract.
TERM. The WHORE acknowledges that the duration of this contract shall be from the date of signing until such time as the current OWNER chooses to terminate it. Termination of the contract may be done by the OWNER at any time and for any reason. A written notice of termination by the OWNER immediately nullifies the obligations of the WHORE and any and all associated penalties.
OBLIGATIONS. The WHORE acknowledges that she is obligated to adhere to and comply with the following tenets regarding her appearance, behavior, and demeanor whenever she is in the presence of the OWNER, or any other man or woman that the OWNER has allowed to sexually use the WHORE.
I The WHORE will be submissive, meek, and passive towards the OWNER, and any and all other men and/or women that OWNER decides, at all times and in all circumstances. The WHORE give herself to the OWNER. With this act offers her body, from that moment is for the OWNER, for his pleasure and enjoyment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. He will dispose if her for his personal use or for giving her to the person that OWNER considers. The WHORE will not maintain any relationship with another person unless the OWNER so orders, nor use her body for her own personal pleasure if not under his supervision. Also he can agree with another person a price for use as a whore and / or enjoy any benefit from the total submission of the WHORE. She will always obey the orders and desires of the OWNER, when, how and where he will want, right in the moment he orders it.
II The WHORE will respectfully and humbly address any and all men as “Sir” and any and all women as “Ma’am”, or any other title that the OWNER deems necessary or appropriate, at all times and in all circumstances.
III WHORE always will wear the sign of submission will be chosen and given by the OWNER and he also will receive a sign of dominion given by the WHORE that have the highest material value as possible to demonstrate the complete material submission.
IV As submissive WHORE will enthusiastically accept OWNER is free to maintain relationships with other submissive or other women whenever he wants. His pleasure will be the target of the WHORE and therefore must and will want to accept that not be the one female for OWNER relations, no matter casual or permanent. He can fuck every woman he wants. Also assume if the OWNER order her to seek a submissive or another woman for him, WHORE will accept his orders to always please him. SHE also will agree enthusiastically and without fear that OWNER can push her to maintain relationships with other women/men he wants. As her target for her is to give maximum pleasure. In addition WHORE assume as part of her obligations to provide to OWNER other slaves or prostitutes for occasional use or permanent, and even being considered the last of his servants.
V The WHORE will answer and respond, without hesitation or trepidation, to the names “whore”, “slut”, “bitch”, “cunt”, or any other name or combination thereof, that the OWNER deems necessary or appropriate.
VI The WHORE, as submissive, accept to be ready for realizing all desires and fantasies of the OWNER. Her body belongs to him, how to care it, to wear it, it is his decision. His pussy will be prepared or shaved as the OWNER wants as well as her tits in the same way as he will order. The lingerie will be at his choice, wearing it just when OWNER wants and she will remove it when he order it, no matter place or moment. This clause will record everything that relates to personal care, image of the WHORE will be accorded to the OWNER will, in all times and circumstances. Only remain naked if the OWNER ordered it and only underwear at work if he orders it. She will be absolutely ready to his orders trying not disappoint him at any time and accepting the punishment for noncompliance.
VII Social invisibility obligation or OWNER´s respectable life. The WHORE, knowing that the relationship created with this contract cannot be accepted by society and the OWNER has right to maintain clean integrity in life. WHORE promises to remain “invisible” at all levels if OWNER order so. This includes the innermost circles of the OWNER or any other people can´t access any information from the WHORE or about their relationship of submission.
VIII Statement of Absolute Control (SAC). The OWNER as master and keeper of the WHORE will have right to know and monitor at any time the activities she is doing in his public and private life. To do this OWNER will know and control WHORE´s email accounts, security keys (internet, credit cards, etc.) and cell phone.
IX The WHORE will actively and enthusiastically engage in sexual intercourse (vaginal/anal/oral) without the use of a condom, and receive internal/external ejaculation, without hesitation or trepidation, when ordered to do so.
X The WHORE will engage in performing cunnilingus/analingus on other females, without hesitation or trepidation, when ordered to do so by the OWNER regardless of her self-perceived sexual orientation.
XI The WHORE will swallow, without hesitation or trepidation, all seminal fluid that is deposited in to her mouth from any and all men, when ordered to do so.
XII The WHORE will consume, without hesitation or trepidation, all seminal fluid that is deposited on or in any inanimate objects, or on or in the vagina, anus, or mouth of another female, whenever she is ordered to do so by the OWNER.
XIII The WHORE will receive any inanimate object commonly referred to as a “sex toy”, without hesitation or trepidation, in her vagina, anus, or mouth, at any time and under any circumstances, when ordered to do so by the OWNER.
XIV The WHORE will never, under any circumstances or for any reason, wear panties or pantyhose, unless specifically ordered to do so by the OWNER.
XV The WHORE will never, under any circumstances or for any reason, wear any clothing while inside, with the exception of lingerie such as garters and stockings, thigh highs, corsets, or any similar attire, unless specifically ordered to do so by the OWNER.
XVI The WHORE will never, under any circumstances or for any reason, wear anything in public from the waist down except for a dress or skirt, unless specifically ordered to do so by the OWNER.
XVII The WHORE will never, under any circumstances or for any reason, wear a dress or skirt in public with a hem line lower than mid-thigh, unless specifically ordered to do so by the OWNER.
XVIII The WHORE will always have her makeup and hair styled in a fashion that will result in her appearance being that of a person who would be considered by the general public to be cheap, trashy, or sleazy, unless specifically ordered not to do so by the OWNER.
XIX The WHORE will always have the area of her vagina made up of the labia and clitoris, completely shaven and hairless, and the area of her vagina known as the pubis mons, or pubic mound, styled, trimmed, or shaved in a fashion that is the OWNER´s discretion, at all times and in all circumstances, unless specifically ordered not to do so by the Owner.
XX The WHORE will wear a dog collar and be led around on all fours by a leash by the OWNER, without hesitation or trepidation, at any time and under any circumstances, when ordered to do so.
XXI The WHORE will regard herself and her body as a physical object, with no rights, independence, opinions, or convictions, and will consider herself to be piece of material property that is a possession of the OWNER, at all times and in all circumstances.
XXII The WHORE will graciously and sincerely thank the OWNER for granting her the honor and privilege of having her body used for his own personal sexual gratification.
XXIII The WHORE will, to the best of her ability, do any and all other tasks or actions not listed within this document, if she is ordered to do so by the OWNER for the purposes of their own sexual pleasure and amusement, at all times and in all circumstances.
DOCUMENTATION. The WHORE acknowledges that the OWNER has the exclusive right to photograph, videotape, record, and/or document the WHORE in any manner he chooses, and in any situation.
DISSOLUTION. The WHORE acknowledges that failure to abide by and/or meet any and all of the tenets, conditions, or provisions of this contract shall result in a voluntary forfeiture of this contract on her behalf, and as such, is therefore subject to the aforementioned penalty.
I, _______________________________, being of sound mind and of legal age to enter into a legally binding contract, do hereby proclaim that I have read and understand this contract in its entirety, and that I agree to abide by and comply with all the tenets, conditions, and provisions contained within. I further acknowledge that I believe, with no uncertainty or doubt, that the owner is biologically superior to the women, and that I am biologically conditioned to be used by him for their own sexual enjoyment and entertainment. I therefore agree to this contract in its entirety and agree to take full responsibility and be held financially accountable for any and all penalties outlined within should I violate this contract in any manner, having agreed to this without any reservation, and having signed under my own free will and without any duress.
Signature of the Whore
Signature of the Owner
4 years ago