Mistress Amy scene (another view) and her reply

And then there was this view...

I received an invitation from Mistress Amy (Goddess) to partake of an "unusually depraved session" at some God forsaken hotel.

Normally, as I have stated, I am a Dom, but the chance to see Goddess in action was one I could NOT turn down. A chance to view techniques and observe how far the human spirit could be deconstructed and still be viewed as human is an experience one should not miss.

As the OP so eloquently stated, Goddess was in a state that could be stated as dignified running amok.

Once she took hold of a slave, nothing short of Divine intervention could save him and his orifices from being abused in a most heinous and depraved manner.

I was stunned.

After two hours of watching her slaves humiliate themselves in ways more befitting Roman criminals, that thought occurred to me, that perhaps there were gerbils or flea infected mice waiting in some closet for Goddess to take them by the neck and shove them up the anus of the unfortunate slave waiting for her attentions.

After the evening's festivities came to a close, I thanked Goddess for the opportunity to pay to watch her bring such joy to her army. She looked at me for a moment and asked if I wasn't curious about how she would treat my anus.

I said, "sorry, I gave at the office."

Let's just say that until that evening, I had no idea what one lovely blonde could do with leather and a regular bowel movement.

Amy's Reply to that post, gotta love her defending and standing for herself...

WTF??? OK, nice review of something you are afraid to fully indulge in, you DEGENERATE MAGGOT.

I know you want people to think you are a dominant and stuff, but when you session with ME, you are licking the ground I walk on.

I LOVE torturing you more than others because you are Harvard Class of 82.

It is MUCH more entertaining for me to bring the highly educated down to a sub-human level, than to degrade some poor dumb prick that already knows his place in life.

By the way, Maggot, email me some more pictures of your Yorkshire Terriers cross-dressed like fags with pink bows in their fur.

In exchange, I will send you a video clip of my latest TOTAL SHIT VICTIM...
Published by sluttykatie
4 years ago
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