
Back in March I had a really awkward conversation with my daughter, Abby. (See separate post!) After that I stopped wearing knickers for a while, but by May I was feeling the need again. This is odd as it was my first wife, Sophia, who started me wearing knickers when I was already into my late 20's. However Caroline, my second wife, finally persuaded me to start wearing again. Within a few days she said she'd seen my stress levels start to drop. Her stress levels are ultra high anyway as she's an A&E nurse, and with the current COVID outbreak, she really did not need me too stressed as well.

The fact that my company is about to make 180 people redundant, yet to be determined who, is not helping my stress.
Anyway. A few days later Caroline handed over the very first pair of knickers I had ever bought her and told me to make a video using them. And she wanted a copy!

So I did. I didn't post it at the time, and in fact forgot about it.

Anyway, a couple of nights ago, while Caroline was on a night shift, and her daughters, my step-daughters, were away with their father, I made another. Different knickers. As I was offloading the video from the camera to the computer for editing, I discovered the first video. So I've just uploaded them both.

As far as Abby's knickers go; with Caroline's approval, I have now worn all three pairs. I haven't made videos with them yet, though Abby has asked twice now, and Caroline is quite okay with it. I'm still uncertain about that, though I now know I like all three pairs. Abby has made the video I suggested, and wants to share it with me. Caroline has seen it and (to my relief) has nixed that idea, yet she's still okay with me wearing Abby's knickers. Go figure!
Published by tbk1980
4 years ago
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