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Login How to earn with xHamster
Make money on video view
Earn via the Ad Revenue program
Boost your site with new visitors
Promote your paysite or store with xHamster's tools — it's 100% free!
$12,000 in Contest prizes
$12,000 in monthly contests and more $ in regular events
xHamsterLive 60%
Up to 60% revenue share and $24,000 in monthly contests
Create your exclusive Fan Club
Amaze your fans and earn 68% off video sales and re-bills
Start monetizing on FapHouse
Get a cut of our monthly revenue. 90,000 active members and counting
Sell individual videos
Set any price per video and get paid for all sold videos
Get paid for video views
Create outstanding and catchy content and xHamster will pay for its views
Get profit based on the ads around your videos
The better content – the bigger profit
Boost your site with new visitors
Promote your paysite or store with xHamster's tools — it's 100% free!
Add a link to your site to attract new visitors
Get promo banners under your videos and Join button on Channel page
Studios get a direct non-affiliate link for full videos
Multiple revenue streams on FapHouse
Fan Clubs will bring you 68% from sales and re-bills, along with view-share revenue
Get a cut of our monthly subsription revenue
Set any price per video and get paid for all sold videos
xHamster Creators Сontests:
win $12k monthly
win $12k monthly
Upload your videos and get a chance to become one of the best xHamster models
Prize pool is $12k each month
Top 70 Creators in all orientations can win between $20 and $1000
70 Top-viewed Videos in all orientations receive cash prizes between $20 and $1000
More cash prizes in regular events monthly
Make money
on your Cam shows
on your Cam shows
14 days boost for new models
Up to 60% rev share
$24,000 in monthly and hourly contests
Block viewers from any region
DMCA protection
What xHamster Creators say about us
Entrar no programa de criadores de conteúdo do xHamster foi a melhor decisão que já tomei. Ele tem uma ótima distribuição de receita de anúncios, prémios todos os meses e um serviço incrível para os criadores. Recomendo a todos os criadores de conteúdo.

Alex Adams
O Programa de Criadores de Conteúdo do xHamster foi um divisor de águas para nós. Eles dão-nos todo o suporte necessário e tiram todas as nossas dúvidas. Tem várias formas de ganhar dinheiro na plataforma e eles enviam uma grande parte do tráfego que recebemos no nosso site.

Jolla PR
Adoramos o facto do programa de Criadores de Conteúdo do xHamster parecer uma comunidade de pessoas incríveis! Conhecer novos fãs que ainda não nos tinham visto online tem sido bem divertido!

Somos bem novos aqui e não temos certeza se a nossa opinião seria muito valiosa. Pelo que vemos neste curto espaço de tempo a ser "criadores" aqui, o site é LINDO! É claro que pode sempre melhorar, mas vai ter que procurar muito para encontrar algo melhor! Nós adoramos o xHamster!

Sendo uma modelo individual no xHamster, estou muito feliz com os novos conteúdos que vocês adicionam na página e com as atualizações. A diversidade e a infinidade de estilos inspiram verdadeiramente os utilizadores.

Não tenho dúvidas do motivo do xHamster ter sido um dos 5 melhores sites adultos do mundo há algum tempo, e continua a crescer conforme os anos passam. A plataforma de envio de vídeos é incrivelmente fácil de navegar, e eu adoro trabalhar com ela. O mesmo vale para o painel do criador de conteúdo, onde pode configurar os seus canais muito rapidamente. A equipe do Programa sempre foi muito prestativa e ajudam com qualquer questão resolvendo tudo o mais rápido possível. Eles tentam sempre criar ótimas soluções, competições e oportunidades para todos os tipos de parceiros.

Gostaria de comentar algumas coisas que eu descobri e vi nesse tempo que estive aqui. Eu gosto de verdade do xHamster, porque essa parece ser a única plataforma que realmente mostra meus vídeos em 4K de forma instantânea. Como modelo, me preocupo com a qualidade, e filmo sempre em 4K; depois de enviar os vídeos, eu não noto nenhuma perda de qualidade, o que é maravilhoso.

Eu tenho muitas visualizações no xHamster, o que me deixa muito feliz. Mas receber ainda mais visualizações seria ótimo, talvez por um feed na comunidade ou algo assim.

Até agora estou adorando! Vejo minhas visualizações crescendo diariamente - muito mais rápido do que em outros sites.

xHamster – one of the largest adult sites in the world
Over 120 million daily visits
One of the most visited sites in the world
The most engaged amateur adult community
Over 41 million registered users
Bringing happy endings since 2007
How much traffic does xHamster have?
How much traffic does xHamster have?
xHamster is one of the largest adult entertainment sites with over 40 million unique users per day.
xHamster is one of the largest adult entertainment sites with over 40 million unique users per day.
I'm a registered user already, should I sign up for a new account?
I'm a registered user already, should I sign up for a new account?
To start making money you should convert your registered user account to Creator account. Just choose the type of your account between Model or Producer/Studio and get access to all Content creator program features.
To start making money you should convert your registered user account to Creator account. Just choose the type of your account between Model or Producer/Studio and get access to all Content creator program features.
What is the difference between Creator and Producer accounts?
What is the difference between Creator and Producer accounts?
To start benefiting from the Content program you should choose the type of your Creator's account. Choose Creator if you're an independent performer who stars in their own content. Choose Producer/studio if you are an individual or a legal entity that owns the right to sell/distribute the content, overseeing and coordinating media production or employing multiple models.
To start benefiting from the Content program you should choose the type of your Creator's account. Choose Creator if you're an independent performer who stars in their own content. Choose Producer/studio if you are an individual or a legal entity that owns the right to sell/distribute the content, overseeing and coordinating media production or employing multiple models.
How can I earn with xHamster?
How can I earn with xHamster?
There are plenty of possibilities to earn money with us.
On xHamster:
• Ad Revenue Program. xHamster will pay you revenue from ads placed around your videos. Your earnings will be based on the views of your video times the ad rate.
• Regional creators contests. Join the Ad Revenue program, upload your videos, and use your chance to become a winner with more than $20,000 USD in monthly giveaways.
• Boost your personal website with new visitors. Promote your paysite or store with xHamster's tools — it's 100% free!
• Referral program. Earn a reward after each signup by your personal link. You'll receive 5% of the performer's earnings for a year.
On Faphouse:
• Viewshare. Add your full videos to Faphouse and get a cut of the monthly subscription
• Fanclub & Sexting. Sell subscriptions to your exclusive content and chat with fans for a fee
On xHamster Live:
• Get tips for your shows. Members are allowed to send tokens as tips during public shows
• Earn from private shows. Viewers can request a private show from any model, but it is up to the models to decide who they will go into a private room with
• Earn from spying members. This function allows other members to spy on a private show by paying a default price per minute of spying
• Cam2Cam. It is a one-on-one cam show where a model and a member can see each other
• You can earn money by winning bonus cash every 3 hours and in monthly contests
• You can earn more money and generate passive income by creating photo and video albums and selling them to your viewers.
There are plenty of possibilities to earn money with us.
On xHamster:
• Ad Revenue Program. xHamster will pay you revenue from ads placed around your videos. Your earnings will be based on the views of your video times the ad rate.
• Regional creators contests. Join the Ad Revenue program, upload your videos, and use your chance to become a winner with more than $20,000 USD in monthly giveaways.
• Boost your personal website with new visitors. Promote your paysite or store with xHamster's tools — it's 100% free!
• Referral program. Earn a reward after each signup by your personal link. You'll receive 5% of the performer's earnings for a year.
On Faphouse:
• Viewshare. Add your full videos to Faphouse and get a cut of the monthly subscription
• Fanclub & Sexting. Sell subscriptions to your exclusive content and chat with fans for a fee
On xHamster Live:
• Get tips for your shows. Members are allowed to send tokens as tips during public shows
• Earn from private shows. Viewers can request a private show from any model, but it is up to the models to decide who they will go into a private room with
• Earn from spying members. This function allows other members to spy on a private show by paying a default price per minute of spying
• Cam2Cam. It is a one-on-one cam show where a model and a member can see each other
• You can earn money by winning bonus cash every 3 hours and in monthly contests
• You can earn more money and generate passive income by creating photo and video albums and selling them to your viewers.
Do I need to own the rights to the video?
Do I need to own the rights to the video?
Yes, you do. You need to own rights to the content. Be prepared to provide certain documents (2257, IDs, model releases).
Yes, you do. You need to own rights to the content. Be prepared to provide certain documents (2257, IDs, model releases).
I don't have a paysite, can I earn with your content program?
I don't have a paysite, can I earn with your content program?
Sure, Faphouse gives you an opportunity to sell videos without a paysite or store, just upload your videos and we'll do the rest. You need to own the content rights and provide certain documents, e.g. 2257, IDs, model releases, etc.
Sure, Faphouse gives you an opportunity to sell videos without a paysite or store, just upload your videos and we'll do the rest. You need to own the content rights and provide certain documents, e.g. 2257, IDs, model releases, etc.
How much money will I make from selling videos?
How much money will I make from selling videos?
Faphouse has a token currency.
1 token = $0.05. Selling a video at 100 tokens will earn you $5.
Minimum video price – 25 tokens = $1.25
Maximum video price – 300 tokens = $15
Faphouse has a token currency.
1 token = $0.05. Selling a video at 100 tokens will earn you $5.
Minimum video price – 25 tokens = $1.25
Maximum video price – 300 tokens = $15
How do I start broadcasting as a Cam model?
How do I start broadcasting as a Cam model?
In order to verify yourself as a Model and become a member of our community, please use the following link. We accept 18+ years old females, males, couples, and transgenders.
In order to verify yourself as a Model and become a member of our community, please use the following link. We accept 18+ years old females, males, couples, and transgenders.
What is the Ad Revenue program about?
What is the Ad Revenue program about?
Our Ad Revenue program allows you to make money on videos produced by you, just like a studio. Upload your videos and get paid if they meet the requirements of the program.
Who is eligible for participation in the Ad Revenue program?
Who is eligible for participation in the Ad Revenue program?
The Ad Revenue program is available to all verified registered creators. You have to verify yourself (please note that all co-performers appearing in your videos must also be verified). You must own rights to the content and prove that a person in the videos is you. If there are several people featured in your video, you must upload documents for each of them.