Why so many spanking faves?

Two other elements that tend to dominate here are: spanking and butts in general. I always had a sensitive butt, and would play with it constantly -- that was always my focus looking at either boys or girls...nice and round or "got dimples?" :-) I still remember, as a k**, sticking the temple of my glasses into my own, or my friend's asses, sliding it in and out and relishing the feel. I'll handle butts in a subsequent post.

Corporal punishment was always a part of my life growing up, and it got worse as my father's drinking increased. He had a hair-trigger temper, and a tendency to grab whatever was at hand and start swinging. He was 6'3" and muscular, so being small and defenseless really just made things more of a turn on for him -- sadly for us. :( Usually, he just took off his belt -- I've seen other spankos up here talk about that distinctive sound it makes as it slides against the fabric and then the end of the belt hitting each loop as it circles around his waist. That sound still has an instant association for me. For special occasions, he'd yell at my mother to "bring the rubber hose!" as he dragged one or more of us upstairs. This was a 3ft piece of washer drain hose, and omg that stung -- particularly b/c he never held back -- he always swung as hard as he could. Four or five whacks with that, and your bottom would be a blotchy purple and he really seemed to relish the idea that you really wouldn't be sitting properly for days. He also appeared to just enjoy the hell out of letting the anger take him over and the only thing that bothered him was our screaming loud enough for the neighbors to hear. If he felt we were being too loud, he'd yell at us to "I said" WHACK "SHUT" WHACK "THE" WHACK "F--K" WHACK "UP" WHACK (oddly, these would usually land on our thighs -- I was never sure if that was intentional or not. By the time I left the house, I was taking my "lessons" in complete silence, apart from a few groans -- I had to give him that, otherwise he'd keep hitting me until he thought I was feeling it.

There was always this weird sexual vibe with him, and I think that's how these very vivid experiences became so sexualized for me. For example, he washed all of us every week growing up, going one at a time in the tub. He made a special point of washing our groins, and then would take a soaped-up washcloth and rub it up and down our cracks as he explained how important it was for him to clean there. Thankfully, I got out of that routine after his rubbing started giving me boners -- still, it took a couple months of that before my mother convinced him to let me take a bath by myself. Also, unless he was swatting at us outside, the routine was almost always the same: drag us upstairs (most of the time by an ear); throw us face down on the edge of the Master bed; rip our pants and underwear down to our ankles; pause to take off his belt and lecture; and then wail away on our naked bottoms as we squirmed and yelled. Looking back on it now, I wonder if he wasn't whacking off afterwards.

Sooo...that's why when you leaf through my faves, you see quite a number of sections devoted to spankings -- mostly women either tied up or physically overwhelmed so as to be defenseless, just as I and my brothers were, and the videos here tend not to be just tippy tap stuff either (albeit it's acting). I think women predominate b/c they're smaller and less able to defend themselves -- just as I was.
เผยแพร่โดย edger48
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