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O consentimento é sexy! com Aftercare

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4 anos atrás
I really appreciate your content and when i say content, i srsly mean content. On this platform is so much crazy freaky stuff, but what you do is really rare, really wholesome and the best about your vids is, its real and not fake. In short: Thank you!
4 anos atrás
I agree. Recently I got too into some of the freaky stuff and it honestly kinda scared me. It's really nice that I can enjoy porn without thinking "what the fuck" as soon as I'm done. It makes me happy.
4 anos atrás
i really wish more channels would focus on aftercare. Instead of just ending when they cum, just sticking around for a little bit talking feels much better. Like you’re not just used and dumped. Thanks a lot for your videos, they make me feel a lot better than normal
4 anos atrás
Having watched the video I agree, I'm currently living with family thanks to the pandemic and they're crazy nosey and often times they just open packages. So I had to come out and explain I use a fleshlight and a package containing my new toys, lube, cleaner and all that would be coming soon and I would appreciate them leaving it alone. Honestly it was actually freeing as I'm not ashamed of masturbation or using sex toys but as you say the stigma around all this made me hide it out of fear.
4 anos atrás
Thanks for the awesome, funny, and wholesome video. I think your the most wholesome creator on here.
4 anos atrás
You are definitely one unique Content creator! Love that about you
4 anos atrás
I really hope one day you do a video where you end it by saying you're gonna do a face reveal and as you start to see your lips you say "what the fuck? low battery" and it cuts out. It would be the ultimate tease and denial for your brand and crazy hot IMO.
4 anos atrás
Yes I've seen that and lolled. But in fairness people could do worse than Mr. Astley as he was always a good looking bloke 😶. Anyway keep up the great work been a fan for years but recently changed accounts as someone sent me a premium gift card, so technically I'm subbed to you twice, lol
4 anos atrás
A few years ago I posted a "face reveal" on my subreddit that was really just a Rick Roll. It was for April Fools day 😂
4 anos atrás
she is so great at what she does and she also reminded me that I do need to drink water more often I love how calm and nice she is. If you see this Teeny, know I have been watching your vids since 1019 and I love your content ^_^
4 anos atrás
I have never wanted to pay for pornography online, but I have always supported art
4 anos atrás
I thought I had typed way more than that last night... I distinctly remember typing stuff about checking your commission prices. :/ Strange. The second draft version of what I was attempting to say was that I appreciate the creative and artistic expression that your videos always show. Your views on sexuality along with the positive messages you put out into the world are wonderful. For these reasons, supporting your videos feels like supporting the arts/artists; rather than the porn industry.
4 anos atrás
What's the difference? I elicit an emotional reaction from my viewers, that sounds like art to me.
4 anos atrás
This is a great video! I like that you do all the things to make the magic happen. I think the stigma around sex work is what leads to the seedy side, not the other way around. I have a friend that does sex work, and her name has gotten out attached to her work, which probably impacts her ability to get other types of work (which is sad because she's a smart and funny lady).
4 anos atrás
thank you for the content you create
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