Naturnah 3ヶ月前
Mega geil Gefick !!!!:smile:
Cocknificant 6ヶ月前
Although I've never been with a pair of twins, I have been with biological sisters simultaneously/same time, same bed, buck naked. Our threesome trysts became a daily habit and eventually drifted into complications due to the competition that began between the two of them for my attention. Initially, it was ORGASMICALLY AWESOME, but subsequently became DANGEROUSLY EXPLOSIVE,-- I had no choice but to cut them both loose. Well, to be honest, I kept one of them around for a while longer because she was FAR MORE KINKIER than her younger sister, but eventually I cut her loose as well. We had some SIZZLING times together and I don't regret one moment, however, that experience ended the "sister/sister" thing for me although I've had plenty of other offers from biological sisters, and even mother/daughter offers, but kinship threesomes ALWAYS lead to the SAME complications, and I rarely make the same mistake twice. Although there was this one celebrity mother/daughter duo "situation" that happened, but that one doesn't count. Drunken threesome one-night stands DON'T COUNT. Do they?   👭 
biwixer42 6ヶ月前
feuchte Träume
Frank_Reich 7ヶ月前
Geil gefickt 
Runt65 9ヶ月前
Lucky man I wish it was me