Emily (story request)

“I really can’t thank you enough, you guys.” Will said to Vicki and Harold as he shifted the strap on his heavy weekend bag. “Nonsense” Vicki shot back, “as we’ve said multiple times, it’ll be our pleasure to help you out for a few days, come on in.” Will obediently followed her through the hallway into the living room of their home. He was feeling a little timid, having to rely on his friends for shelter, but he also didn’t feel like shelling out the money for a couple of weeks in a hotel or cheap roach haven.

“Emily!” Vicki shouted up the stairs, “Come say hello for a sec.” Will realized he had completely forgotten that they even had a daughter, let alone factored it into his decission to crash at Vicki’s and Harold’s place. He considered it briefly, and decided this house was big enough regardless not to interfere too much with anyone’s personal life.

It was Emily herself saying “So uh...hi?” that made him snap out of his thoughts. She had wandered on down the stairs and judging from the inflection of her voice he assumed he might have accidentally ignored her first hi. “Oh Hi! I’m Will.” He spoke, holding out his hand only to find she wasn’t offering one. She quickly took his anyway and shaked.

She was dressed in a grey cotton tank top with a short black skirt. Despite her slightly hesitant look as to what exact was going on with the sudden stranger in the house, she had a friendly face with a mane of shoulder length chestnut colored hair. A hint of black eyeshadow was still around her eyes. Will looked her over. She had a light complexion and was slender, maybe even on the thin side, giving her a slightly gangly but not altogether unattractive appearance.

And odd smile played around her lips and she slightly raised her eyebrows. “Oh!” Will spoke, realizing that a modicum of explanation was probably wise “I uh, Vicki and H...your mom and dad offered I could stay for a few weeks because the house, my house, is being sold and the new one isn’t quite ready yet.” She let this sink in for a moment, obviously wondering why this was the first she had to hear about it. She looked at Vicki and Harold briefly but still said “of course, our casa es your casa as they say. She might have emphasized the our a little, but if she did, nobody picked up on it.

“I’ll let you get settled in.” She said, before excusing herself and disappearing back up the stairs. “That’s an excellent suggestion, lets.” Harold spoke, as he gestured for Will to pick his bags and follow him. He led him too up the stairs, following along the landing, explaning as he went. “Upstairs bathroom, Em’s room, random closet...annddd” he made his way to last door “guest room, this is you. I understood you uh work from home? I took the liberty of dragging a desk out. I mean, you’re free to roam about and pick wherever, but if you want some peace and quiet, you know.”

“Ah geez, thanks a bunch Harold” Will spoke sincerely. “You really didn’t have to go through all this trouble.” He parked his bags next to the bed and looked around the room. It was small but defintely not cramped. “Absolutely perfect!” He proclaimed, watching Harold smile contently. “I’ll let you unpack, and you can join us for diner in a bit.” Harold disappeared, leaving Will alone. He unpacked, and wandered around, peering through the drapes into sizeable back yard. It all looked well maintained and peaceful enough.

He wandered back out onto the landing, deciding to check the bathroom. Emily’s door was closed, but soft music was still audible from where he stood. The bathroom was neat, white tiled and spacious, with various odds and end neatly shelved. Not bad to have one like this pretty much to yourself, he thought suddenly, given how Emily was only inhabitant of this floor and Harold specifically called up the upstairs bathroom. At least, before he got here, that was. He assumed she, like Harold and Vicki was going to go to work in the morning and made a mental note to not mess with her morning routine too much.

Diner was perfect. Will began to defrost a little from his initial hesitance at invading three people’s private lives like this, and chatted along happily with the rest of them, helping himself to another few spoons of the Viciki’s spectacular cooking. “Dad says you’re a writer of sorts?” Emily asked him. “Not really of sorts.” Will spoke in between bites. “I do a bit of ghost writing, a few novels of myself here and there, short stories.” he nodded as he spoke.

“Ghost writing?” Emily asked quizzically. “Like, ghost stories?” Will laughed, since this wasn’t the first time someone had made this leap. “No, say, some publisher decides you as a pro-golfer or something could write an autobiography, but you haven’t ever written so much as a shopping list in your life, they’d bring in someone to do it for you.” Emily looked at him funny “So...you write it, but wouldn’t get the credit?”

“Pretty much.” Will replied. “it happens a lot more than you think. But nobody makes a big secret about it, so if you do a good enough job you land enough work. And the credit I might not get, but the paycheck comes in the mail all the same.” “That’s, that’s something.” Emily replied, thinking. “But if you don’t mind, I’d rather read something you wrote on your own accord.” Will smiled warmly. “If only a few more people did.” he added.

After everything was cleared up Will realized the stress of the last few weeks was melting off him, he was feeling good. He decided to use this momentum to get a few hours of work in and excused himself. The next time he looked up he saw outside had went from a pleasant filtered sundown to pitch black. He must have been into it, he figured, as he stretched in the desk chair. Will kicked off his shoes and it hit him he was also a lot more sleepy than he previously realized.

He made his way towards the bathroom, finding the house already dark and settled into it’s nocturnal rhythm. His watch told him it wasn’t even really all that late yet, but he still stood and listened for a second, breathing in the quiet. This was excellent news for a night owl. He flicked the light on in the bathroom put his phone on the sink, dropping his pants and clothes on the tile floor and stepped into the shower. He stood there for a good fifteen minutes as he mused in the torrent of warm water and soap.

He had barely put his briefs back on as the bathroom door swung open quietly on well oiled hinges. Emily stepped inside. “I heard the water stop. Figured I could hop right in.” She said. She was wearing a peach colored bra and panties, but nothing more. Will’s eyes darted left and right, torn between a few distinct feelings. He realized she was accustomed to having this place to herself, but why not give him a few extra second to actually get dressed and leave?

“Oh uhm yeah, sure!” he spoke a little hesitantly, not knowing where to look. Emily stepped past him towards the sink, leaving a sweet perfume he didn’t quite recognize in her wake. He quickly gathered up the remainder of his clothes and tried to make a bee line for the door. “Hey Will” she spoke, looking at him from the mirror. “You mind?” She said, pointing over her shoulder towards the clasp of her bra.

The tips of Will’s ears turned a little red as he stood there for a second, not quite knowing if this was the definition of a good idea, but barely noticeably shook his head anyway and stepped on over to her. He shortly met her eyes in the mirror before looking down and sliding the tip of his thumb and index finger over the soft warm skin of her back under the elastic strap, as he felt the clasp spring free. She caught it under her arms and looked up at him. “Thanks.” She whispered, standing there motionless. “Yeah...uh...sure thing.” He said back and made his way out of the bathroom and to his room.

That was unexpected, he thought to himself, not entirely sure what to make of it. The sound of the shower piped up the background. He shook his head and decided not to think too much of it as he fell backwards on his bed, fingers interlaced behind his head. He reached over for his pants and rummaged through the pockets, realizing he had left his phone sitting on the sink. A smile played over his face, he briefly considered just strolling in the bathroom and getting it. If it was acceptable for her to just make herself at home when he was under the shower, why would she mind?

Still, he waited for the sound of running water to abate, and the audible click of her door closing before hopping up and getting it. Without even fully knowing why he tiptoed over the landing towards the bathroom, it was still steamy and smelled of flowery shampoo. “Gotcha” he said to himself as he retrieved his phone and quickly returned back to his warm bed.

He lay in the dark, tapping away at a short email and a few whats app messages. It wasn’t until he tried to attached a picture that he saw that quite a few new ones had appeared. “What the…” he whispered as he quickly switched to his gallery app. “Nooo way. No fucking way.” he spoke, as he sat up straight in his bed. He outright forgot to breathe for a bit as he realized what must have happened.

The thumbed towards the beginning of the series. The first few pics were obviously self-shot in the mirror. They showed a montage of Emily from the neck down, making a bit of a show dropping her bra. Her breasts were spectacular. Not massive by any stretch but beautifully proportioned to her body, with perfect pink nipples. The last shot showed her squeezing one with her left hand she took snaps with her right.

Will thumbed through them with growing puzzlement and arousal. He deeply felt he should be feeling some sort of way about this but still felt himself getting more and more curious. “Woaa…” he whispered as he continued, and found a picture of her after she had her dropped her panties, still standing in front of the mirror with her legs parted slightly. His cheeks flushed scarlet as he glanced left and right in the dark, like he was afraid of getting caught. She was entirely smoothly shaven.

The ludicrous nature of his this whole thing caused him to laugh for a second in his bed. What was she playing at here? Was it an attempt to embarrass him? To test him? He wondered about it for a few seconds as he thumbed through a few more pictures. Then suddenly he heard the sound of the shower hiss from the speaker of his phone. His eyes jammed open at the sudden loud sound and he quickly lowered the volume.

Will blinked a few times, feeling he was crossing a boundary here, despite not having asked for this, but still swung the phone on it’s side to get a full screen view of the video. It was a second before he realized what was going on but he was looking up at the ceiling. She must have put his phone on the floor, Will thought a second before he saw her stepping over it, giving him a lovely ******** perspective as she walked her feet apart a little and started playing with herself.

Will breathed hard as he took it in. Watching her enthusiastically dip the tip of her index finger in between her lips and massaging her clit. It was almost as if he had forgotten all about his own body through this entire thing he quickly worked his underpants down, finding out he was already rock hard. He started following suit with Emily and felt his hearth racing in the dark.
“Noo, don’t stop.” he whispered to the screen as she paused for a second for an unknown reason. He figured this was already the end of the fun, or she figured he was going to come back looking for his phone. None of that was true, thankfully. She had grabbed a hairbrush off the sink and reached down her back with it as she picked up the show again.

“Ffuu…” Will stumbled and bit his lower lip as he started masturbating in earnest. She angled the smooth plastic handle of the brush upwards and started letting it slip inside of herself at a teasingly slow rate. He could see the black plastic glisten as she started moving it up and down. Will quickly turned up the volume so he could hear her soft moans over the sounds of the shower.

She stopped moving the brush in and out of herself and instead started playing with herself in an ever faster up and down movement. He could hear it on the video, her moans turning into short groans over the rhythmic wet sounds. He knew exactly what was about to happen and desperately tried to catch up with her, running his fist up and down his shaft as fast as he could. From his perspective he could see her knees begin to tremble and buckle a little as she was about to come in her standing position.

She let out a soft “Ahh!” sound and pushed the slick plastic handle back inside of herself as she came. Will could see the spasms echoing around her body time after time as he himself felt rope after rope land on his belly. He lay on his back breathing hard for a while, thinking about what to make of all of this, and watching her pick up the phone and turn off the video. He was entirely sure this wasn’t what Harold had meant with make yourself at home, but he would have to be pretty much made of stone to be able to just shrug something like this off.

He decided he would just see where this went and pretend he never even saw the barely cryptic string of pics and videos. A good part of him was hoping she’d leave him more of these surprises. He lay awake for a bit longer, staring at the now invisible ceiling. He didn’t notice falling asleep but the next thing he knew was that the sound of opening and closing doors had started what must have been Sunday morning.

Will stretched and slipped out of his bed, throwing on his jeans and shirt as he yearned hungrily for a bite. He meandered down the stairs, towards the source of the smell of bacon and eggs. “Morning gang” he said. “Morning! Help yourself to some coffee and eggs” Vicki said heartily from the couch. Her and Harold had sat down on the couch to watch the morning news. Emily sat at the bar between the kitchen and the living room, looking at him sideways as she said “morning”.

He helped himself to a plate and some food, and glanced back from the kitchen towards the bar. He couldn’t help but let a soft inaudible “hmmm” sound escape. Emily was obviously fresh out of bed, still in a light blue spaghetti top with tight fitting lila pajama pants, showing a hint of her panties above the elastic waistband. He watched her for a few seconds as he made his way over and sat down next to her at the bar.

“Slept well?” Emily inquired softly, looking at him smiling, with one eyebrow raised. “Absolutely” Will replied as he took a swig of coffee. “Couldn’t have been better.” She looked at him and cracked a smile. It was obvious to Will she was sniffing around for double entendre. Will pretended to look at the tv for a second and found all the other inhabitants safely invested in its programming. “Got a neat amount of work done too, not a lot of distractions.”

“Oh, save for one or two.” She said. “Anyhow, glad you’re feeling right at home.” she continued, patting his knee under the bar. She carefully looked at Will whose eyes shot out towards Vicki and Harold, despite knowing full well they would never be able to see it. She knew he was feeling at least a little bit caught. Will first looked at her, then quickly averting his eyes.

“What’s the matter?” she whispered. “Cat got your tongue?” Will knew she knew. He looked a little guilty. “Cat got my phone more like.” he whispered back, making sure nobody but her could hear. She licked her upper lip with the tip of her tongue. “Maybe you should not just leave it laying around then.” she paused, “Say Will, would you get me another cup of coffee?” He stared at her for a second, but got up anyway.

He turned around with the coffee pot in hand, watching her raise her head and peer into the living room. She lifted herself off the stool quietly and slid back as far as she could with her spaghetti top crawling up her back, leaning further over until her elbows touched the bar soundlessly. She didn’t look back at him as she slowly pulled the bow out of the cotton drawstrings of her pajama pants. Will was dumbstruck for a second. This girl was a piece of work. He bit his lower lip, knowing he should be trying to resist a lot harder than he was doing.

“One refill coming up” he said as he closed the gap between them, standing close to her so no accidental onlooker could see his hand touch the small of her back. In one movement he both tipped the coffee pot forward and let the tips of his fingers slip down the back of her pajamas, snaking under her panties. He followed through and felt her lips begin and part, she was warm and slick. The moment he touched her clit he felt her suppress a shudder and her cheeks flushed a little.

“Here we are” he said, and refilled his cup too, this time retracting his hand a little and letting one fingertip disappear inside of her as the cup slowly filled. She couldn’t keep a straight face and for a short moment let her mouth fall open and squeezed her eyes shut. Will glanced around, realizing he was truly pushing his luck. As he moved away with the pot he slipped out of her again, hearing her expel some air through her nose.

It hadn’t been a moment too soon either, the second he turned around to put back the coffee pot he could hear Howard get off the couch ready to put his plate on the counter top. Emily adjusted herself back to her original position in a single supple movement. He exchanged pleasantries with Howard for a good bit as Emily cleared up her plate and cup, before excusing herself. He cast a last quick glance at her, watching her disappear up the stairs with two steps at a time.

A bunch of different thoughts shot through his head as he tried to hold a conversation. “Do you need a hand?” He interrupted Harold in a monologue about what manner of gardening need to be done. Maybe the fresh air would get his head straight a little again. Harold made a hand waiving gesture “Nah, I’m gonna be fine, you just do what you please. Besides, it might be boring as all hell but it relaxes me after a week’s work.”

And just like that, the morning ritual was over. Vicki threw on her coat and made herself scarce with a busy “bye all!” and hustled out the door. Almost as if this someone made Harold realize he was burning valuable gardening hours, he jumped up as well and said something like “no time like the present”. Will watched him disappear outside. He sniggered, depending how far the apple fell from the tree, they might be going out for a quickie behind the tool shed for as far as he could tell.

He drank the last of the coffee as he waited for his boner to lay back down at least a little. Emily was quite a little vixen. Will wondered if she was just so horny she wanted him to touch her then and there, or if she actually got a kick out of doing something this close to other people. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it but he was willing to bet it was the latter.

After a while he decided to retreat back to his small cubic refuge. Halfway up the stairs he heard Emilly chat with someone, but he didn’t hear if anyone was actually answering. Was she on the phone? Her door was at a crack. He listened outside the door for a few seconds, being pretty sure there wasn’t anyone physically in the room with her.

He pushed the door open a little with the flat of his hands. Her room was quite large, half nestled in under the large sloped roof of the house. It was cosy enough, she had a large two person bed pushed up under the roof window. It was pushed all the way open and Emily was sitting on her knees on the bed. If she sat like this she could rest her arms on the window sill and apparently comfortably gaze out the window. He figured she was chatting with Harold out in the backyard.

She had either heared him or seen out from the corner of her eye and she quickly looked back at him, giving him a quick wink before turning back her head towards Harold. Will got a devious idea. Shoe, meet the other foot, he thought as he stepped into her room, pushing the door closed gently. He made sure to stay low so nobody outside would be ever be able to see him as he kneeled down on the floor behind Emily, putting her well within reach.

He figured if he spoke softly, nobody would be able to hear him as well, but he also figured not announcing his intention right off the bat might just be slightly more fun. He carefully reached around her waist and found the string on her pajama pants, doing his very best to pull the bow out as teasingly slow as he could manage. He didn’t even hear Emily skip as a much as a beat in her conversation. She didn’t pause either when he next took the soft fabric on her hips between his thumbs and index fingers and gently worked her pajama pants down until they fell to her knees.

Much to his amazement, she apparently didn’t just think this all was just fine, she also shifted her weight first left and then right, allowing him to slip her pants over her knees and get them off entirely. He was sitting so close to her he could see the soft blond strands of down on her lower back. She was wearing blue and white striped panties. Will considered peeling them off next, but figured it was also ok just to tease her just a little bit more first.

He lay one hand on her hip and with two fingers on his other, very slowly followed the soft cotton crease between her legs forward. He massaged her clit very slowly through the fabric. A slight visible tremble climbed up her back. She actually manage to squeeze in a laugh as she continued talking. This was definitely turning her on, Will thought to himself, one or two excellent moments to cut the conversation with Harold short had already come and gone.

A small wet spot had already started creeping out through the soft fabric. Oh you, Will thought, you’ve brought this on yourself. He hooked his fingers under the elastic and slid her panties down into the crook of her knees. He glanced up at her, a barely noticeable blush had started playing on her cheek bones. He felt her wetness envelope his fingers immediately as soon as he traced her slit, delicately feeling for her clit, circling it very slowly.

She inhaled deeply. It was clear she was getting a downright kick out of trying to keep her composure. And she was doing an excellent job too, she only glanced down at him for a fraction of a second as he retraced and let the tip of his finger finder her warm and slick opening, letting it slip in slightly deeper every time. She was amazingly tight, as soon as Will so much as curled his fingertip and traced up and down her g-spot once or twice she let out a soft moan that she immediately disguised as a cough.

Will came to the sudden realization that he no longer wondered if she considered this a turn on or not. Hell, it sure was a turn on for him, that much was certain. He pulled back his glistening fingers and rested his hands on her hips, very subtly directing her to roll her hips forwards. It was time to up the ante a little and see how good she really was at keeping Harold in the dark. That and on a deeper level, he just couldn’t stand being this close to her, with her aroused scent in his nose.

Will leaned forward and tilted his head back, bring his face in close to her. She must have understood what was happening, because he could feel her brace a little. The very second his tongue touched her and he tasted her sweet viscous wetness, he heard keys rattle in the lock. This was unbelievable. It must be Vicki returning from wherever she had disappeared off too. If she decided to hobble up the stairs and pay her daughter a friendly visit, he might outlive his welcome in about a millisecond.

“Looks like you’re on your own” he whispered and quickly made himself scarce, being eternally grateful this house didn’t creak when you walked the floors or had doors that sounded like a medieval drawbridge. He quickly glanced around the door frame down the stairs and saw Vicki’s back was turned, not pausing he slipped out in one fluid movement and clicked the door shut gently behind him.

A comedic phew sound escaped him when he was back in his room. His heart was hammering away in his chest from arousal and excitement. That was some awful timing. For a good while he stood there fantasizing about what would have happened if she finally ducked out of that window opening and he would have finally have a chance to lay her on her back and delve right between her thighs. He breathed in deep at the thought and brought back to the taste of her.

Will decided he was well in the clear and made his way downstairs, with his laptop under his arm. Emily’s door was still closed. He peaked down the stairs and saw nobody, he stopped and listened for a second, imagining what was going on in there, envisioning her helping herself out of her little predicament. Vicki and Harold must have either been entirely oblivious to their daughter’s appetite, or they must have trusted him to a tee, inviting him in like this.

Sunday was one of his favorite days of the week. Normally speaking, that was, when the house wasn’t an absolute bustle of activity and he wasn’t desperate for an opportunity to have a little bit of a more private getogether with Emily. Will sat tapping at his laptop for a while at the bar. He’d sat down on the exact same stool Emily had sat that morning, almost as if he was somehow hoping to pick up some of her residual warmth. She came down the stairs a bit later, grabbing an apple off the fruit bowl on the bar.

“Well thanks a lot for that” she whispered “it was a little mean to leave me hanging like that” She glanced around, double checking she couldn’t be overheard. And just like that she was gone, leaving behind a trace of perfume. “Bye guys!” she said as she stepped out the door. Will sat staring at her as she made her exit, hoping very much she wasn’t gonna be gone for the week or anything like that. He had no idea what she got up to in the day to day.

It wasn’t until well into the evening she reappeared. Will hadn’t felt like wasting the entire Sunday away on work anyway, so when Harold suggested they’d watch a movie, he’d happily said yes. The three of them looked up in unison as Emily swung in “Oh hey I love this movie, can I join?”, she inquired. “Why of course you can honey” Harold chimed in “especially if you’d be so kind as to grab me a beer.” he said with an apologetic grin. “Sure thing dad.” She stopped in her tracks for a fraction of a second in barely observable contemplation. “Give me a few minutes and I’ll be right over, just gotta put my stuff away.”

The house was dimly lit, the tv was the only real light source casting an occasional flicker over them. When Emily came back she handed Harold a beer that was greeted with a sheepish “thaaanks” and for a good moment pretended to actually have to choose where she was gonna sit down. She fell down right next to Will, pressing against him a little bit. Will glanced sideways. They were gonna be none the wiser.

He looked down at her, imagining how he’d put his hand on her knee and tease her skirt up. How soft and warm her skin would be. He let his arm fall in between them and slowly ran the outside of his index finger over the side of her leg. The very second she leaned forward a little to grab her glass, he used his thumb to work her skirt back out from under her, incidentally also obscuring his hand from view further.

Will enjoyed the feel of her. He shifted in his seat a little bit so he could hitch his hand up a little further, searching for the seam of her panties. At least, where they should be, she wasn’t wearing any. He wondered if she left the house without them, or if the reason she snuck upstairs before joining was just to take them off on the odd chance he was going to try something.

He was entirely ready the next time she leaned forward, tilting his hand and slipping it underneath her like a magician. A clearer picture of what she’d been up to upstairs immediately started to form. He felt the warm flexible ridge of something pressing against his fingers. What did she have there? He wiggle his fingered a little bit further under her, following the round outline. He looked at her with a little bit of amazement for a second as he figured it out, but she didn’t look back, pretending to be focused on the movie.

Will caught the lip of the plug with his two extended fingers and thumb. As much as he could he teased it out of her a little and pushed it back. Emily yawned, a little theatrically, she leaned forward and cradled her face in her hands, resting her elbows on her knees so he could have just a little more room. Will took his sweet time, slowly wiggling it out as far as he could with his hand underneath her. Before it had time to creep back inside of her he pushed it in with the tips of his fingers.

He was suddenly wondering what else this girl got up to in the privacy of that room of hers. Or moreover, virtually everywhere else in this house. She craned forwards to reach the table again, Will kept his grip and felt the plug slip out entirely. She lowered herself back down slowly as he worked it upwards with his fingers. She expelled a little bit of air through her nose as it slipped home.

“If you’re gonna keep yawning you might as well turn in for the night.” Vicki said. “You know” Emily said a little hoarsely from excitement and she coughed to get her voice back in check. “I think I just might.” And just like that, she was gone, leaving Will stuck on the couch. He couldn’t just hop up and chase after her without raising at least a little suspicion. He watched the empty stairs for a few seconds.

After they finished watching the movie and he finally found a passable moment to head off to his room, Will made his way up the stairs and paused at Emily’s door. He didn’t hear so much as a peep. He watched behind him and made sure nobody had come up behind him and quietly pressed down on the door handle. “Emily” he whispered into the darkness. No reply. Not even the sound of her breath or a rustle of sheets. He tried again, whispering a little louder, but still to no avail. Will stood at the crack in the door, hesitating for a while. He was guessing she was fast asleep.

A fraction of a second after he had clicked the door back shut, the light on the landing came on and Harold made his way up the stairs. Will blinked against the sudden bright light. “Hey you know you can just flick the lights on right? We’re not gonna bill you.” Harold chuckled and made his way past him into the bathroom, walking back out with a tube of toothpaste. “Ran out, nigthy night.” he said, as if he needed to provide some sort of reason for being someplace in his own home. “Yeah, yeah, good night.” Will mumbled.

He quickly checked the bathroom, somehow hoping she’d been waiting for him in there, but it was dark and empty. Will drifted off to sleep after about forty different scenarios about what could have happened if she had just given the slightest acknowledgement when he had whispered her name into the dark. He woke after the first rays had already started piercing through the curtains. He didn’t hear a single sound throughout the house. That tracked, Will figured, it was a Monday after all. Everyone was bound to be out.

Slow and yawning he made his way down the stairs, expecting to be entirely alone, when suddenly the clunk of a coffee cup pierced the silence. He peered into the kitchen, no Vicki, no Harold. A smile started on his face. “Hey you.” he spoke.

“Hey back.” Emily said, looking at him from the lunch counter, smiling.

Will walked on over close to her, leaning his elbow on the lunch counter. “I’m guessing this is where you tell me you need to be off in about four minutes?” He put his hand on the small of her back.

“Nope.” she said happily. “I have the entire day…” she paused and thought it over “to ourselves. Coffee?” She asked as she reached for a cup.

“That’s an excellent idea.” Will mumbled and worked his fingers under her t-shirt, gently running his fingers over the soft skin on her back as she poured coffee. Will inhaled deep as if about to dive into a lake and wrapped her in his arms, pressing her against him.

She wasn’t wearing a bra and he cupped her breasts and kissed her neck. “But I say we let it wait for a bit.” Emily licked her lips and closed her eyes. “Tell me. Were you about to eat me out from behind when you rudely snuck into my room?”

“I wouldn’t dream of that manner of sneakery” he said overly dramatically as he let his hands fall down and pulled the bow out of the cotton draw string of her pj’s, sending them falling to the floor. She grabbed the opportunity to pull her shirt off over her head and tossed it from her.

Will quickly cupped her breasts one more time and pulled her into him, biting her softly in the shoulder. Almost like she didn’t have the patience for this, she reached down and slipped her extended fingers under the elastic of her panties and quickly dropped them down to her ankles.

“Oh well excuse me” Will sniggered and he grabbed the two mugs of coffee of the bar and quickly shoved them into the sink, sending an arc of coffee flying.

“Hey!” Emily laughed and made a surprised woo sound as Will picked her up by the hips and lifted her high setting her knees up and apart on the bar. Emily immediately felt what was about to happen and leaned down, arching her back.

She made a sound that started as an elated “hmmm” but ended as a soft moan as Will stepped in pushed his face between her thighs, playing and probing between her lips for her clit. She moaned in earnest for the first time as he wrapped his arms around her legs and pulled her up into his tongue. “Oh fuck…” she whispered.

He felt her starting to get rapidly wetter on his tongue and it excited him to no end as he felt his boxers pull away from his body. Emily exhaled sharply as he stopped circling her clit and sent his tongue snaking deep inside of her as if thirsty for her. Will ran his fingers up the inside of her thigh and searched for her clit with the tips of his fingers as he continued working his tongue deep inside of her.

Emily’s breathing was slowly morphing from rapid high nasal moans to deeper grunting. She actually started pushing back into him with enthusiasm trying to get a little bit more inside of her. Her wetness was mixing with Will’s saliva making her entire backside slippery.

She opened her eyes in surprise, actually managing to flush a full shade darker red as he slipped two fingers inside of her and hungrily pressed the tip of his tongue against her tight rosebud, trying to work his way inside. Much to her surprise and mainly thanks to her own wetness she quickly felt herself yield and felt his tongue enter her tight entrance as his fingers probed deep inside of her a little lower. She reached back between her thighs and helped herself along.

Will was a little afraid that outright eating out her ass was rapidly going to far, but judging from her deep and horny moaning, he figured that even if she wasn’t accustomed to it, she was still enjoying the hell out of it. He pulled his boxers down with his free hand felt his throbbing member swing free.

He left her breathing in and out deeply and quickly as he let his fingers and tongue slip out of her, before picking her up by the hips and letting her down until she had her feet planted firmly on the ground again with her hips propped on the bar. It was the exact right height. Her back had a light arch in it and she moaned with expectation as he put one hand on her hip and guided his member inside of her with the other.

She left out a long nasal moan as he drove his member inside of her. He wasn’t small but she was so wet he slipped all the way inside her. “Ooh...fuuck” he mumbled to himself. He quickly retracted and quickly thrust forward again, hungrily building up speed. She moaned extacticaly, quickly and highly.

The juice glasses at the end of the bar clinked along with his cadence as he layed into her. Her moans deepened and ever since he had pushed his probing tongue into her tight opening the craving had stuck with her. She reached back with one hand and worked the tips of two of her fingers inside of herself. Probing in and out, trying to match Will’s pace.

He looked down, watching her finger her ass at the exact pace he was pushing his throbbing cock in and out of her. “Oh fuck, Emily” he whispered in a hoarse and winded tone. He would have loved to finish in her lovely pink ass but he couldn’t stop thrusting into her wet depths.

Emily felt an orgasm building an felt her knees buckle, making her use both her hands to support her weight. Will quickly stuck his index and middle finger in his mouth and got them as wet as possible. He could hear from her moaning she was about to blow and quickly pressed the tips of fingers against her rear, working them in as deep as he could. She inhaled sharply as he pushed them home. Almost as soon as he did he felt her start to slowly and rhythmically squeeze his fingers. She was coming hard.

Will quickly upped his pace to as fast he could, closing his eyes and groaning as he felt her go off. She only spasmed two or three times before a powerful orgasm washed over him was well. Will was so worked up he just kept on railing in and out of her as he shot rope after rope deep inside her.

He pulled her up and wrapped his arms around her as they both panted liked crazy, Will was seeing stars and he was sure she was too as he cradled her heaving chest. He felt himself slip out of her as a lazy rivulet of his semen and her wetness ran down her leg.

“Fuck, that was something else.” She whispered, grinning.

“Shower?” Will suggested. Emily made a theatrical “hmmmm…” sound and said “sure.” before getting up on her feet a little unsteady and walking up the stairs, followed closely by Will.

That was the last time that day they’d see downstairs.
発行者 Haestee37