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What do you want from a website or blog?

I have a few questions for you.

What do you want in a sologirl site?

What makes you cum back?

What would make you buy a membership

Would you purchase an outfit for the model to pose if given that option?

Naughty Dreams
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Looking at new videos today

Like I said before I have not been here a while in so Of course, I have check all the new videos. fee l free to recommend some too.

Love Angelique
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I am glad to be back

Hello Porn Hubbers
I am glad to be back, I was gone for awhile
I had two people pass on. So it was a serious hit to my heart.Well I am back and ready to finish were I left off. Which was having fun. Let the games begin.

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On My mind

It has come to my attention that there are not enough sexy websites that represent thick,bbw,voluptuous,women. with class and style. So I have been working on my site to change that. I plan on having professional pictures and non-professional pictures there as well.
But my site is not going to revolve around pictures. Live content is my focus. Webcam shows and videos will be my focus.If you have any ideas please let me know .Also if you have something you would like me to pose in let me know as well. I am now but just wanted to give an update. Oh how many people out there like fish net stockings?
Angelique Deleon
"boxes don't fit me so please do not try to place me in one"
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Thinking about adult video industry

I have been watching all different types of porn here.
watching what not to do. While reading Jenna's book . What has kept me back from adult videos.
1.Women of color are the least paid and expected to do more.
2.I think if someone put there foot on my head while fucking me. It would not end up in a good situation.
3.The std's tests are not that accurate. Plus some actors or actress will not tell you if they have herpes or not.This a fact I speak of. What do you think about the Industry?

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Taking a dick the real deal

So I saw comments made about Dimaond star. Not being able to handle a dick. I guess many here do not know alot about a womans anatomy . So let me share some facts.Before some poor woman gets hurt.

How far a penis can go into the Vagina depends on the length of the vagina. When a female is relaxed it is about 3.5-4 inches long and when aroused it is about 5-6 inches due to the cervix lifting up.

Oh its great to be back
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I never thought I would ened up in a naughty a magazine(lol)

I guess you really have ,to be careful what you ask for.
Long time ago when I used to sneak in my big brothers room and look at those beautiful sexy women. In the magazines. I would say to myself they are so pretty.

I wish I could be on the beautiful glossy pages.
Well here I am. (LOL)
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My wish

If I could wave a magic wand. I would make it so that STD'S were a thing of the past. After I heard about the female porn star who had herpes and knew it.yet still performed with others and not caring about who she may gave it to.

It made me very sad and angry. At one time I wanted to try my hand at being in some porn films. I should say flicks. because that is what they are.

I did my research on the industry and boy did I get an eye full and an ear full. it made me change my tune swiftly. If I had a chance I would make a really hot girl girl scene.

From wardrobe to location etc. I just do not understand why it is such a big deal to use condoms and dental dams.

This is a real world we live in an the people who act in these films are real. Not immortals who are resistant to disease. Imagine a world where you could really fuck any pussy you wanted, or fuck and dick you wanted.

To taste the sweet nectar of any woman you wanted with out the fear of contracting something. ladies imagine swallowing the cum with out the fear contracting something. Well at least I have porn hub.

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I have been thinking about creating a website.

It has been on my mind for sometime now. To start a website that would be fun fresh and exciting.My focus
would be sensuality.It would be pay site but reasonable.
Please tell me what you would want to see me do.

I will await your comments.
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A Smooth Pussy

To me a smooth pussy feels good. Well this is for my own selfish reasons. I tried having a a little bit of hair down there before my dancing days. Well it was okay.

But nothing beats the texture and feeling of smooth bare pussy lips. I love the way my lovers tongue glides over them. The way his dick feels when touches my lips down there. I also think about the time I first shaved it all the hair down there.

This particular day I decided to not to wear any panties.It was a warm day but their was a nice cool breeze in the air. The skirt I had on was a warm wine color that had a flounce to it. Well the breeze caught it.The feeling was wonderful,it felt like a lovers cool breathe blowing on my clit.

Ever since then I have been addicted to the different sensations of not having in hair down there.
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Oh I welcome a playful debate anytime.
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Another scenario. Myself and some other dancer where hired to perform at certain rapper birthday party. They called us every name in the book hooker, ho. But the white groupies they treated like gold. I was hired to entertain. but instead insulted. I make my own money and enjoy doing it.
European women are so called gold diggers as well. They max out there credit cards as well. But they have daddy and mommy to support them.70% of the time. They lay booty traps as well but their game is just tighter. What you stated about a the working man and the dope dealer some times is true. Here is my stand on that. A mans car,money, jewelry is just that his not mine. I want my own so one can take it away from me. I also feel as a Latina/black woman I a,supposed to accept less and not ask for anything.I enjoy having my own and at the end of the day nobody can take it from me.
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First I would like to say, I am not writing in anger.But I am going state some facts not fiction. I am an exotic dance/podium dancer. I have watched how athletes and rappers come to a black club and treat the girls like dirt. But go to a white club and act like balla. I really hate that word.Because most of the people that use it are not ballas at all. Now this is fact I was invited to a party wear a certian team was having a party. I witnessed how they asked the white ladies what they wanted to drink and eat. While the sisters where treated like dirt. White ladies that hang around so called ballas and athletes.
Want to the same thing they are just a little more suave about. I would put my life on it a say. If these men did not have money the do white ladies would not be want to hang all over them. You see I hear what is said in the ladies room and you do not. How these women talk about these ballas in a negative way.
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I am thinking of making a girl on girl video

Good Morning,
The short time I have been on porn hub. I have viewed
all kind of videos. I must that some of the videos are really good. But some leave something to be desired.

It came to my mind,That a really hot girl girl video is needed. I would find some really good music tracks,I would want to tantalize the ears as well as the eyes.

I think the days of porn movies should come back.
Or at least that style of shooting.Again sex is supposed to be fun and exciting. Is it me or can you clearly see sometimes that the actors and actress can not stand one another?

Sometimes the ladies look like
they do not want to be there. I am an exotic dancer part time and days that I do not want to be bothered I stay home.Why be nasty or mean to people a are coming out to have good time? More later.
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Being courteous can be sexy!!!

It has come to my attention,that being courteous is a rare thing here on porn hub. Is this because of the naked women and men here?

After all we are all adults here? Even though some of us may be in our birthday suits. This is no reason to be crass or rude. There is a quote that comes to mind." It is not what you do it is how you do it."

Would you want a gourmet dinner, served to you on a trash can lid? I seriously doubt it.

So please introduce yourself or I will not accept your request.

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Things to ponder about the adult industry

Why does ethnic porn have such horrible titles?
Example.Jungle dicks,ghetto hookers,Mandingo.

Why is the music so cheesy in porn flicks?

When did spiting on a cock become sexy?

I enjoy pornos as much a the next person. But as of late somethings are just plain wrong.Yes I undestand that this just my opinion. But here is my reasoning

A lot of people learn about sex by watching porn.
Let me set upset the scenario A young man is watching a porn. He watches a male actor plunging his dick really hard into a female. he then watches at the male actor takes his fingers and starts ramming them into the actress pussy.She because she is an actress. Pretends that it feels good.

Now 3 days later he meets a young lady. He tries the 2 finger ramming action. She jumps up in pain.
then again she might lay their and grimace in pain because in the porno she saw The lady she saw was enjoying this act.There really should be a warning on these flicks. Do not try this at home!!!! these are trained professionals.

Another thing that annoys me is the whole pussy slapping thing. Not with the cock on the pussy. But hand slapping it. My pussy would be so mad at me if I let that happen to her.

I swear some of these female porn stars. Are in
a competition with each other. Who with stand the hardest pounding.

Again I thought sex was supposed to be fun and sensual not painful. But then again some people could be pain freaks.

I remember a situation were a gent,I was having a little fun with decided he was going to try and pound my insides out well lets just say. He was picking himself of the floor.

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Why do men insist on putting a womans legs up ?

I know this may sound like a silly question.
But I have really taken the time to look at some of these vids and here, I see that sometimes the woman is clearly in pain. I thought the act of having sex was supposed to be fun and pleasurable not painful

I have also watched women put their hands on the mans tummy or thigh as if to say stop.But he ignores or goes on.Are my eyes playing tricks on me?
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I know you are wondering if that is me in the picture, To answer your question yes it is. I am a fetishmodel blogger and more.

New Jersey
"United States"
The Witch of Portobello
I love being sent E -gift certificates I love stockings and high heels everything girly. So if you want my attention this the best way to get it.
I dislike cheap men and being sent dick pictures when I have not asked for them. I think it is arrogant and rude. it is not what you do but how you do it
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