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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub PremiumI'm gentle and forgiving... to a fault. I like positive thinking, and can be pretty damn creative. I have the ability to accomplish ANYTHING I set my mind to, but hardly ever do. I can fix just about anything electrical, mechanical, and structural. I cannot fix anyone's character, or personality nor would I ever want to. I can't predict the future, but I do know that I am an eternal being of good and light. I don't always do the right thing, or make the right decisions, but I know that I'm one of the "Good Guys". I don't think people are bad if they do drugs. I do know that most people let drugs do them. Been guilty of that once or twice myself. I don't believe people are evil, but I know for fact that people who have been forgiven much have a tendency to forgive much. I won't say anything behind your back that I wouldn't be willing to say to your front... I mean face. And the older I get, the more it seems I learn. The more I see is that things aren't always as they seem. I now love. People, I used to hate.
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