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Hi my name is David a 36 year old single gay male living in London UK. First of all i work very long and unsociable hours so please be patient when waiting for a reply.I am usually through the day.Also when off work i am usually on 24/7 emergency call out.Looking for some new like minded friends for fun,friendship and maybe more if compatible .I travel the country with work so open to casual meetings anywhere in the UK. Drug and disease free and a non drinker or smoker.Very versatile but like to play the submissive role.If you happen to be visiting London sometime for fun or business why not get in touch?Interested in anything and everything.Willing to try anything at least once.Hey if you dont try how do you know if you like it or not? Also i have always had an admiration and fascination for all members of the trans community so if your at a loose end and would like to meet for a drink or just coffee then please get in touch.If your trans please please please dont send me pics of your dick.I would l
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