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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub PremiumHi! I'm just a guy who's into girls. I have some lesser known fetishes that I'd like to share and look for people who are open to discuss it and maybe even join in. My main fetish is a rare one known as the headphone fetish. Basically it's that I love seeing women wearing headphones, preferrably as big as possible, and also preferrably in sexual context (headphone blowjobs are the best!). I also like to see girls wearing digital watches, preferrably G-Shock or Baby-G watches. A combination of these two fetishes would be absolute bliss. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them. However be respectful and ask questions from general interest. I will not answer to ridicule or insults of any kind. If you are interested in headphones content, send me a friend request and we can share our fetishes with eachother!
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