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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub PremiumGreetings, I am a 35 year old male cyborg ninja from Hanamura, Japan. I was almost slain by my older brother Hanzo in my hometown at my family’s castle, but Dr. Angela Ziegler came to my rescue. I may or may not be dating her. ;) Anyways, Angela brought me back to Overwatch headquarters and revitalized me into a cyborg/man with cyber agility. I fought with them for a while in Blackwatch, but ultimately resigned to travel in attempt to find inner peace. I came across an omnic monk named Zenyatta, and he helped me achieve my goals and set my self-disgust away. I now reside in Shambali, Nepal, where my master invited me to and I truly feel welcomed once again.
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