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Baise matinale au soleil, mec mince, fille avec des formes
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Baise matinale au soleil, mec mince, fille avec des formes

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il y a 8 ans
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il y a 8 ans
This is a girl who does NOT want to have sex. You can see it from the very beginning, and every grimace on her face (even when sweetly kissed) says "GET OFF ME."
il y a 8 ans
This was definitely a "I'm not nearly as into this as you" face. Or like empire said..."Get off me". I've been with a couple women, and watched a lot of porn. Enough to say that if my girl was giving me that ' bitch face' or look of discomfort/displeasure I would definitely have stopped 1 minute into trying...sad..
il y a 8 ans
This is not a " bitch face." This is boredom, disinterest, wincing, grimacing and annoyed breathing. I'd love to hear what SHE has to say...because in this it looks like she's doing it and not enjoying it. Days later I wondered if now she's getting paid?  Pretty hair though....
il y a 8 ans
It seems she's not horny.
il y a 8 ans
Pay attention to your woman... she's clearly not enjoying anything you are doing.   Show her some romance and sensuality... you just jam it in her and she probably doesn't like that.   And no, it's not because you are big... it's because you aren't putting any effort into it.  Take care of that beautiful woman and she'll be screaming for more...
il y a 6 ans
Well said. A big dick just jammed in isnt what you want everytime
il y a 8 ans
The guy is sexy af!!!
il y a 8 ans
They never have any chemistry in their newer videos. It doesn't seem like what a "homemade" video should be like.
il y a 7 ans
Makes me so sad watching this, he looks so hot and she seems not interested. LET ME DO HER JOB BETTER. he's perfect.
il y a 6 ans
She's obviously not into it. She's grimacing half the time and seems annoyed. Makes me sad because I know exactly what that feels like. I was in a bad relationship for a decade and horrible sex is all I ever had. Zero attraction or arousal for him and everything felt like a dreadful chore. With that said, this guy is gorgeous and I'd love to fuck him. Shame she isn't into it.
il y a 6 ans
I don't know how relationships in the past have gone for you, but she is certainly into having sex in all the videos we've made. Yes, there have been plenty of times when she was annoyed or stressed out for other reasons, and whenever she was stressed out she would just want to fuck more, but just because she has an irritated look on her face doesn't mean she wasn't into the sex lol
il y a 8 ans
Awesome video guys, love that you let your hair down, looks good.
il y a 6 ans
Woww.... She's fucking bored, and not having it. I wouldn't be like that for him. She's so irritated all the time through this video. That's sad as fuck.
il y a 6 ans
Side note, the actual reason she was irritated this video was because she cut herself shaving, that's why she was making those faces. She was really pent up and bitchy and literally every stroke was hurting a bit but she really wanted to have sex so she powered through. But I get it, I'll make sure to link some videos where she has happier looking expressions on her face
il y a 7 ans
My boner just died
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